Monday, May 16, 2016

England in the 17th Century

Stuart monarchs ruled England  for most of the 17th Century, with the exception of Oliver Cromwell, who ruled as Lord Protector, and his son "Tumbledown Dick", after The English Civil War.

Complete a chart on the rulers of the 17th Century.
  • James I
  • Charles I
  • Oliver Cromwell (and briefly, his son Richard)
  • Charles II
  • James II 
  • William and Mary of Orange (from the Netherlands) 
Note each ruler's dates of rule, personality, beliefs (religious and political), positive accomplishments and negative accomplishments.

Rank each ruler 1-6 (best to worst).

Use the websites below for more information:
    English Rulers of the 17th Century
    Everyday Life in England in the 17th Century

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