Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ch. 2 The English Civil War

Stuart monarchs ruled England  for most of the 17th Century, with the exception of Oliver Cromwell (and for a short period afterwards, his son, Richard Cromwell, unaffectionately known as "Tumbledown Dick", who ruled as Lord Protector, after The English Civil War.

Complete a chart on the rulers of the 17th Century.
  • James I
  • Charles I
  • Oliver Cromwell (then Tumbledown Dick)
  • Charles II
  • James II 
  • William and Mary of Orange (from the Netherlands) 
Note each ruler's dates of rule, personality, beliefs (religious and political), positive accomplishments and negative accomplishments.

Rank each ruler 1-6 (best to worst).

Use the websites below for more information:
English Rulers of the 17th Century
Everyday Life in England in the 17th Century

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